The FUCK is a phlog
When I graduated college, full of spirit and motivation, I had all these goals and side projects that I wanted to do outside of work. At the time, I was also eating a lot of pho. Like a lot. Of. Pho. Like in every city I had traveled to my last couple years of college (which, during recruiting season, was a pretty large amount). I was headed to San Francisco, which has an excellent Asian food scene, and as you might expect I was very ready to try the pho there. The idea to make a blog about pho came to my millennial mind pretty naturally from there — I had a lot of pho, and I had a lot of opinions. After considering and throwing out several noodle puns I eventually gave up and settled on naming it phlog (a portmanteau of pho and blog, if that wasn't clear already (this was mostly just an excuse for me to show off my knowledge of the word portmanteau, and to use nested parens)).
Anyways, as new grads in new cities and new situations do, I was quickly smacked by the realities of adult life and my mental health spiraled and I didn't accomplish any of the goals I had originally set for myself. I also failed to cancel the phlog domain and continued to pay for it for several years despite doing absolutely nothing with it. Basically, this is a long winded way for me to tell you that the name phlog is completely irrelevant. I just wanted to have a space for me to throw up whatever random thoughts I have, and I still happened to own this domain.
Actually, now that I think about it, phlog kinda sounds like a sound you'd make when you vomit. So it's named for all my word vomit that is and will be hosted here. There. There's your connection.